A Unity game made for the Dugro® "Build A Backpack & So Much More" roadshow. The game's objective is to collect as many lcFOS as they can while avoiding the bad bacteria within the 30 second time limit. Game is made to be played by children (4-6 year olds) while promoting the goodness of Dumex Dugro to the parents. Together with the client we helped fine tune the basic game mechanism into a full feature game that was deployed on to their touch screen kiosks and window tablets.
Initial kiosk design, characters and visuals provided by the client.

Key visuals developed for the game.

The early idea was to have an intestine like path while not appearing too intestine like. This idea was then later changed to a more intestine like environment with food in the path. The next image shows the completed stage design in its entirety.

Character animation sheet created in After Effects then output to individual image sprites. Some minor details (ribbon, spectacles, sports band) were also added to Mr Poo's friends to help differentiate them from him and create new characters that appeal to the children. Additional effects and animations were also added to Mr Poo, lcFOS and bad bacteria.

Event image taken from Dugro Dumex's Facebook page during the event launch in One Utama, Malaysia.